Aoun: I call from a "sentimental position" to security cooperation with Syria in "fateful things" based on "The Brotherhood Pact"

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MP Michel Aoun warned after a meeting of Change and Reform Bloc today that "no subversive, terrorist powers have negotiated with regular forces such as the army and the state, but the state and the army have lost in this negotiation because the powers do not abide by the principles of the agreement"

And he stressed on the fourth paragraph of the Treaty of Brotherhood & Cooperation with Syria that "the security of Lebanon from Syria is a Syrian responsibility, and the security of Syria from Lebanon is a Lebanese responsibility, and that the responsibility is shared on the borders, and we did not cut diplomatic relations with Syria, but there are different political positions to be overcome when things are fateful" he said.

He added: "The request to negotiate with Syria is not a political position but rather a sentimental one toward the interests of the Lebanese society."

He stressed that "in the interest of everyone we should negotiate with Syria, and I do not like the word regime, there is a government and a state and its officials."

In response to a question about Hizbollah's fighting in Syria and whether it was the reason that brought the extremists to Arsal, Aoun explained that all the Arab states burst into flame before Hizbollah was present and "stop these amusing stories".