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In completion of Iran’s hegemony over Lebanon... Hizbollah's communications network reaches Mount Lebanon

on . Posted in Local & Regional News

Some sources spoke to MTV about the work to extend the telecommunications network of Hizbollah in Mount Lebanon through Amz, Afqa, forests, Lasa and Mayrouba under the pretext of completing the extension of the fiber-optic network, after extending it in Zahle under the pretext of licensing water drainage channels.

The network has expanded according to mtv, and today the party seeks to link Kesserwan with Baalbek and the south. Many calls from the people of the area were received talking about suspicious movements around the places of extending the official cables, and the technical teams of the party in the areas mentioned around these places were spotted, but no one dared to speak in front of the camera, beside, a member of the municipality of Lasa harassed the mtv team until they left the area.

According to the information and a map previously released by a French site the network that extends from Baalbek-Hermel and passes by Zahle has become today linked to the south and Mount Lebanon. But the most dangerous is a path of 150 km length connecting the Bekaa with the Sea and passes only through the areas that are under the control of the party until the coast of Byblos. Assigned to families, some like Al Ibrahim, Al Haidar, Al Haj Hassan were known.

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